Month 01, Weeks 01-04 Warm-Up and Cool-Down!

Weeks 01-04 Warm-Up!

Here's your warm-up!

5 Cat Cow

5 Single Leg Adductor Hinge, each side

8 Banded Donkey Kicks, each side

8 Banded Fire Hydrants, each side

:20sec Banded Glute Bridge Hold

10 Alternating Quad Stretch to Hamstring Stretch

10 Supported Deep Squat

10 Alternating Hip Openers in Squat

10 Alternating Bent Over T-Spine Rotations

Watch the video of each movement below to ace your form. 🥳 ↓

Print it out!

Print this sheet to track your warm-up.

PAL-27-Glow Program_08.pdf

Weeks 01-04 Cool-Down!

Here's your cool-down!

:20sec Child’s Pose

:20sec Downward Dog w/ Pedal

:15sec Seated Hamstring Stretch, each side

:15sec Seated Figure 4 Stretch, each side

:20sec Lunge Stretch with Side Reach, each side

:10sec Chest Stretch

:10sec Across The Body Stretch, each side

:10sec Tricep Stretch, each side

Watch the video of each movement below to ace your form. 🥳 ↓

Print it out!

Print this sheet to track your cool-down.

PAL-27-Glow Program_09.pdf
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