Day 01 Lower Body

When you're done this workout, let everyone know how it went! Comment below. ↓

Week 27, Day 01! 🦵

Here's your workout!

3x10 Barbell Deadlift

3x10 Hip Thrust w/ Pulse

4x5 5-Pulse Goblet Squats

3x10 Knee Banded Clam Shells (each side)

3x8 3 Point Toe Taps (each side)

3 rounds of:

  • 12 Bench Jumps
  • 10 Explosive Step Ups (each side)

Watch the videos of each movement below to ace your form and maximize those muscle gains. 🥳

Barbell Deadlift

Hip Thrust w/ Pulse

5-Pulse Goblet Squats

Knee Banded Clam Shells

3 Point Toe Taps

Bench Jumps

Explosive Step Ups

Track your progress!

Print this sheet to track your workout.

PaleOMG Power Sculpt Beyond - Day 01 Tracking.pdf
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