Month 01, Weeks 01-04 Warm-Up and Cool-Down!

Weeks 01-04 Warm-Up!

Here's your warm-up!

:20 sec Jump Rope

8 Alternating Knee to Chest

5 Spiderman Lunges (each side)

10 Arm Circles (5 forward, 5 backward)

10 Leg Swings (each side)

20 Jumping Jacks

8 Sumo Squats 

8 Glute Bridges

4 Cat Cow

4 Quadruped T-Spine Rotation (each side)

:20 sec Jump Rope

Watch the video of each movement below to ace your form. 🥳 ↓

Print it out!

Print this sheet to track your warm-up.


Weeks 01-04 Cool-Down!

Here's your cool-down!

:20sec Childs Pose w/ Reach to Each Side

:20sec Deep Lunge w/ Side Reach (each side)

:15sec Lying Hamstring Stretch (each side)

:15sec Kneeling Lateral Lunge with Rock (each side) 

:15 Crossbody Back Stretch (each side) 

:15sec Chest Stretch 

:15sec Tricep Stretch (each side)

:15sec Hanging Stretch

:15sec Side Body Stretch (each side)

Watch the video of each movement below to ace your form. 🥳 ↓

Print it out!

Print this sheet to track your cool-down.

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